<aside> 💡 After a first general deep dive on Climate Tech trends and a deep dive on renewable energies last week, we’re now focusing on how we can address the challenges of integrating intermittent energy sources into the grid by making it smarter.

Wishing you an insightful reading,

Raphaël Cattan, Alexandre Dewez, Maryam Mahla, Charlotte Pratt & Henri Courdent.

PS: You are a climate company at Seed or Series A, operating in Europe and curious about how Eurazeo can help you ? Please reach out on Linkedin or drop us an email ar [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]


Why making our energy system smarter is key to achieve Net Zero carbon emission by 2050 ?

The climate challenge is, first of all, an energy mix challenge.

Graph 1 - Global greenhouse gas emission by sector, ClimateWatch, WorldinData, published in 2020 edition on 2016 gas emission.

Capture d’écran 2022-08-26 à 21.12.19.png

The urgent need for a smarter energy grid

Who are the smart grid actors ?

Example of recently founded or funded companies.

Capture d’écran 2023-03-05 à 21.22.51.png

Our main learnings and convictions on the energy markets.